Virginia General Assembly Opening Prayer To Be Given By Pro-Terror Imam
A gay Jew has invited a Muslim terrorist sympathizer to give the Virginia General Assembly’s opening prayer on March 11. That’s right. Tomorrow, the oldest elected legislature this side of the Atlantic is supposed host Imam Johari Abdul-Malik .
Malik’s homosexual buddy is Adam Ebbin,, an openly gay leftist who represents Virginia’s 49th District, which includes Falls Church, Alexandria and Arlington. Malik is an imam at Falls Church’s Dar Al Hijrah Mosque, which is in Ebbin’s district and is known as the 9-11 mosque because its clerics helped prepare the illegal immigrants who attacked that September day in 2001 for their journey to paradise. Major Nidal Hasan, the Fort Hood shooter, also attended the mosque. Journalist Paul Sperry calls one part of Falls Church the Wahabi Corridor, and the suburbs outside Washington, D.C. are now known as Northern Virginiastan .
Jim Lafferty, of the Virginia Anti-Shariah Task Force, has tried to stop Ebbin’s insanity by writing a letter to the members of the General Assembly asking them to either stop the prayer or boycott it.
“The State Capitol in Richmond is one of the most historic buildings in America,” Lafferty wrote on his blog. “It has echoed with the debates over the Revolutionary War and the War Between the States. Patrick Henry delivered his famous speech there — ‘Give me liberty or give me death!’ Abdul-Malik has the latter in mind for free Americans.”
Indeed. Abdul Malik defended Ahmed Omar Abu Ali, who was sentenced to life in prison for plotting to assassinate President George W. Bush. “Our whole community is under siege,” Abdul-Malik told The New York Times when the authorities collared Abu Ali. “’They don’t see this as a case of criminality. They see it as a civil rights case. As a frontal attack on their community.” [ note: Headlines at the time said "Virginian arrested."] Unsurprisingly, Abu Ali worshiped at Abdul-Malik’s 9-11 mosque.
Abdul-Malik also supported Ali Al Timimi, who was sentenced to life in prison in 2003 for inciting jihad against the United States Government. “There is a view many Muslims have when they come to America that you could not be arrested for something you say,” the Dar Al Hajrah “outreach director” told the Times . “But now they have discovered they are not free to speak their minds. And if our opinions are out of vogue in the current climate, we feel we are all at risk.” That a leftist such as Ebbin would cozy up to a terrorist sympathizer is nothing new for a Democrat in Virginia. The party goes out of its way to accommodate the most dedicated jihadists it can find.
A few years ago, Gov. Tim Kaine appointed Muslim doctor Esam Omeish to an immigration panel, only to find out that Omeish was an anti-Semitic jihadist. Also connected to the 9-11 mosque, the former president of the terrorist front Muslim American Society quit the panel when he surfaced on YouTube in videos ranting about Israel. Despite this record, the party permitted Omeish, a director of the 9-11 mosque, to run in its primary for delegate in Virginia’s 35th District. Fortunately, he lost .
As for Abdul Malik’s sponsor, he should know better. You really wonder whether Ebbin reads the newspapers, or whether he understands what Muslims think of gays and Jews.
Ebbin is both. A two-fer. Imagine what Malik and his radical pals are thinking about the prospect of beheading this man:
Allahu Akbar!