
Vote Fraud By Aliens Continues



Even previously low immigrant North Carolina has developed a problem with illegal voting by aliens, and along with its alien population, the problem is increasing.

Voter Integrity Project September 4, 2013

Report Documents Nearly 500 Vote Fraud Cases in NC

(Raleigh, NC) — SEP 4, 2013 — Between 2008 and 2012, 475 cases of voter fraud in North Carolina were referred for prosecution, according to a new NC Board of Elections report obtained by the Voter Integrity Project of North Carolina (after repeated requests), which undermines claims that voter fraud in North Carolina is insignificant.

“This looks like an interim report, but it shows some disturbing numbers,” said Jay DeLancy, Executive Director of Voter Integrity Project-NC. “Because reports of voter fraud often don’t get referred for prosecution until the year after an election, the extent of potential fraud in the 2012 election still remains to be seen. The large increase in fraud referrals in 2012 over 2008 suggests that substantial fraud occurred in last year’s election, but the full numbers have not yet been reported. In any event, these numbers totally crush the lie that there is no voter fraud in North Carolina”

And here is the chart showing huge increases in alien voting. Together with other fraudulent voting by Democrats, this may explain Obama’s victories there and in other States. It does appear that real Republicans are taking steps, though.

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