Walker “Dazzles” On Capitol Hill — Even On Immigration

Allan Wall


Here at VDARE.com we can’t endorse candidates, but we can discuss the issues. Right now, virtual candidate Scott Walker is sounding good on immigration, especially since he has violated the longstanding taboo of questioning legal immigration.

Of course, we must keep an eye on all these politicians and hold their feet to the fire. But the very fact that he is willing to discuss legal immigration puts Walker light years ahead of candidates spouting the typical “nation of immigrants” rhetoric.

Breitbart reports that Walker (who is Wisconsin governor, remember, not a member of Congress), visited Capitol Hill on May 19th and “dazzled Republicans across Capitol Hill”.

Even the title has “dazzle” in it: Republican Lawmakers: Scott Walker Dazzles on Capitol Hill, Matthew Boyle, Breitbart, May 19, 2015.

OK, so they were “dazzled”. But specifically, what does the article say about the National Question?

Walker, who also met with Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT), dazzled [there’s that word again] the Utah conservative [who has an A+ from Numbers USA ] in a one-to-one meeting. An aide to Lee- who has emerged alongside Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) as one of the two intellectual leaders of the future of the Republican Party — said the Utahan “went in a little doubtful and came away impressed” with Walker, according to RealClearPolitics. Walker played up his new strongly populist pro-American worker immigration position — which mirrors Sessions’ — in the meeting with Lee.

“Walker really downplayed his past views on it and said it was an issue he hadn’t really thought about, especially when he was Milwaukee county executive,” Lee’s aide told RealClearPolitics.”

It’s true that many politicians never seriously think about, much less, study the immigration question. They just mouth the platitudes and rake in the donor money.

It would be great to suppose that Walker really has studied the question and arrived to a better understanding of it. We have to watch and see.

Openly and articulately defending the American worker by calling for a legal immigration shutdown would put Walker way ahead of Cruz, Paul, Rubio and Jeb Bush.

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