Walker Right To Fire Amnesty Advocate Liz Mair — It Was About Immigration, Not Iowa
This is from NRO on Liz Mair, the Walker staffer who was fired for expressing contemptuous opinions of Iowa:
"Hey, Campaigns: Read Twitter. Hey, Operatives: Stop Tweeting. "Eliana Johnson, March 18, 2015
The response to the Walker campaign’s ill-fated romance with digital strategist Liz Mair, which lasted a mere 24 hours, has largely centered on Walker’s decision to hire and fire her and what it says about his political operation.
Also worth noting that campaigns should read the Twitter feeds of the operatives they’re bringing on board. It was just six weeks ago that Mair was tweeting things about Iowa, which Walker needs to win, that threw GOP leaders in the state into a tizzy. “”The sooner we remove Iowa’s front-running status, the better off American politics and policy will be,” she wrote in January. Breitbart hammered her as an “advocacy advocate” on account of a series of tweets she fired off in support of comprehensive immigration reform, an issue on which the governor has done an about face on the campaign trail … .
Perhaps the larger lesson here is that campaigns should start reviewing Twitter feeds, and operatives who aspire to work on presidential campaigns should stop airing so many of their opinions on Twitter. [More]
I thought Eliana Johnson’s typo above was funny — of course Breitbart didn’t say that Liz Mair was an "advocacy advocate", they said she was an "amnesty advocate", and her contempt for Iowa was based on the fact that some Republicans in that still-very-white state didn’t want amnesty.
Liz Mair is seriously in favor of amnesty, hates people who aren’t. Herewith three tweets on the subject by Dave Weigel.
The backstory of those @LizMair tweets that seem to attack Iowans; she was subtweeting about immigration https://t.co/reh74CLANk
— daveweigel (@daveweigel) March 17, 2015
Worth noting that Mair’s jibes about Iowa were about harsh immigration rhetoric. Keeps getting lost in coverage https://t.co/reh74CLANk — daveweigel (@daveweigel) March 18, 2015
Ran into Rep. Steve King and caught up on the Walker/Liz Mair story. “I think her and Jennifer Rubin have voodoo dolls of me.”
— daveweigel (@daveweigel) March 18, 2015
Here’s Tweet contemporaneous with Mair calling Iowans idiots and suggesting the primary shouldn’t be held there:
Anyone else think it’s kinda weird DREAMERS interrupted Christie + Perry? They're rather uh pro-DREAMer. — Liz Mair (@LizMair) January 25, 2015
And here are a couple of tweets sticking Jennifer Rubin size pins in Treason Lobby target Rep. Steve King, just yesterday:
I do find some of the things Steve King says on immigration embarrassing and factually dubious.
— Liz Mair (@LizMair) March 18, 2015
For example, I do not think his 1-100 ratio on DREAMER valedictorians to DREAMER drug mules is mathematically correct.
— Liz Mair (@LizMair) March 18, 2015
I also think the fact that King is held out as the only real force in Iowa and representative of what Iowans think is embarassing for Iowa.
— Liz Mair (@LizMair) March 18, 2015
She’s wrong — when Steve King said
For everyone who’s a valedictorian, there’s another 100 out there who weigh 130 pounds — and they’ve got calves the size of cantaloupes because they’re hauling 75 pounds of marijuana across the desert. Those people would be legalized with the same act.”
he was speaking figuratively, not mathematically,but he was basically right — there are lot of drug mules, very few valedictorians. See our articles
- Hate Fact Hysteria: They (Including GOP Leadership) Come For Steve King. They Can Get Lost
- More On That King Kerfuffle: “Undocumented Valedictorians”’ Status As Valedictorians Often, Well, Undocumented.
- Steve King’s Hate Facts: We Refute the MSM Fact Checkers
So if Walker wants people to believe he’s turned from amnesty, firing Liz Mair was a good idea.