
Walt Disney Closing Splash Mountain On January 23, 2023, Because The Ride Celebrates "Song Of The South" … A Racist Film In The Eyes Of The Woke

Paul Kersey


Disney is getting rid of Splash Mountain in early 2023 because its source material is Song of the South, perhaps the American version of Triumph of the Will. Or so 21,000 people agreed with in signing a pledge on Change.org to replace the ride with one celebrating the Disney bomb (with a black princess) The Princess and the Frog.

Disney Closing Splash Mountain Next Month Because Of ‘Racism,’ by Bobby Burack, Outkick.com, December 5, 2022

The woke got Splash Mountain.

Last week, Disney announced it would permanently close the iconic theme park ride on Jan. 23, 2023. Parkgoers have just over a month to get in one more ride.

According to Disney, Splash Mountain is racist. The ride promotes “racial stereotypes,” and thus must depart Magic Kingdom swiftly.

Disney decided Splash Mountain was racist after complaints over the ride’s source material, the 1946 film “Song of the South,” which supposedly portrays plantation life as historically insensitive.

Chief Woke Bob Iger, who recently returned as CEO, expressed disapproval of the film during a 2020 shareholders meeting:

“I’ve felt, as long as I’ve been CEO, that ‘Song of the South’ was — even with a disclaimer — just not appropriate in today’s world.”

The cancelation of the theme park ride further exhibits how major entertainment companies govern for only a small, noisy group of individuals.

In 2019, a Change.org petition gathered 21,000 signatures to order Disney to close Splash Mountain. However, the command was met with a counter-petition with over 100,000 signatures.

“Splash Mountain has never included depictions of slaves or any racist elements and is based solely on historical African folktales that families of all ethnicities have been enjoying for nearly a century,” the more popular petition read.

So, get in your rides before the Jan. 23 cancelation. Splash Mountain is the best ride at the park, after all.

Moving forward, Disney plans to replace Splash Mountain with a ride entitled Tiana’s Bayou Adventure. TBA will carry on the legacy of “The Princess and the Frog,” which features a black heroine named Tiana.

Disney says this ride, unlike the racist Splash Mountain, better represents Disney’s commitment to “diversity.”

Racist park rides are getting their comeuppance.

We will know we have not only won, but our past, present, and future is truly liberated for good when Disney + streams Song of the South and a 4K version is released.

And it will be released.

[Comment at Unz.com]

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