
WaPo "White Woman Alerted To Mother’s Danger When She Didn’t Post Wordle" Story Omits Race Of Knife-Armed Madman Who Held Her Prisoner For 20 Hours

James Fulford


If you read this charming WaPo story about a white woman saving her white mother from a knife-armed home invader by calling the cops when her mother hadn’t texted her score from that day’s Wordle …

2/3 You should know that this is what James Davis III, the knife-armed madman who held an 80-year old white woman prisoner for 20 hours. https://t.co/TiFDGk8y2x

— VDARE (@vdare) February 11, 2022

… you should know that the "man" who was holding her hostage was this guy: James Davis III, the knife-armed madman who held an 80-year-old white woman prisoner for 20 hours.

The charming part is the happy ending, the uncharming part is this:

Denyse Holt fell asleep alone Saturday evening. She woke up hours later in the dead of night to a naked stranger standing just feet away.

Armed with scissors, the man got into bed with the 80-year-old in the Lincolnwood, Ill., house she had owned for a half-century, Holt said, and then gave her a warning: “If you talk, if you yell or you scream, I’m going to cut you.”

A calm came over Holt, something she said she never would have expected. She told the intruder she wouldn’t do any of those things, that she would obey him.

Holt looked at the clock — 1 a.m. Sunday. For the next 20 hours, the stranger who had broken in would hold her against her will, according to accounts from Holt and the Lincolnwood Police Department. From the first moments, Holt kept cool, calculating her actions based on what would give her the best chance of survival. Even so, she feared her efforts would fail.

Holt thought she was about to be brutally murdered in her own home.

But nothing in the story hints that the maniac was black. The Washington Post only reports race — and they can report race--when it suits their Narrative, as in this shocking case:

On Nov. 21, a 9-year-old student of color at Palm Elementary School in Lorain, Ohio, didn’t want to eat the packaged waffles that had been put on her lunch tray. When she threw them away, a White cafeteria monitor forced the girl to retrieve them from the trash and sit at a table until she ate them. Within weeks, the monitor and the school principal were both fired. But the story did not end there. In January, the district released video of the event, and it is being used as evidence in a civil rights lawsuit against the district.

If a somewhat older student of color had reacted to being made to eat his waffles by brutally beating or stabbing a white school employee, you wouldn’t be allowed to know what color either of them was.

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