War On Christmas Victory In New Providence, NJ
Meant to post this back in May: VDARE.com friend John Miano wrote me
Is it too early to submit War on Christmas entries?The buffoonery has already started in my neighborhood: New Providence can defend diversity without sacrificing its Christmas Walk, NJ.com, May 26, 2010.
This was a letter from the Elders and Pastor of Westminter Presbyterian Church in Berkeley Heights, New Jersey, protesting a demand by something called the Interfaith Council of New Providence and Berkeley Heights (which doesn’t seem to have a website) that the town’s annual Christmas walk be renamed a "Holiday Walk".
Significantly, the Interfaith Council specifically argued that the Christmas Walk "represents only one faith tradition in a community of many faith traditions" — i.e. it is the arrival of non-traditional immigrants that justifies the War Against Christmas. (Or the eagerly anticipated arrival — New Providence is still 90% white).
Miano added: "Fortunately, the reaction to this PC BS is generally negative" — but the comments seems to have been scrubbed, hmm.
However, he tells me that the 2010 Christmas Walk is still on — on the day after Thanksgiving, November 26.
This microcosmic skirmish is interesting not merely because Christmas survived, but because Christian churches, usually so wimpish, spoke up.