Ward Connerly’s "son-of-Proposition 209" initiative banning racial/ethnic preferences has won easily in Michigan, carrying close to 58% of the vote, despite just about the entire Michigan Establishment of both parties opposing it.
Connerly had to put up with unbelievable ploys to keep it off the ballot by politicians and by a scary "civil rights group" called By Any Means Necessary. (That, of course, was Malcolm X’s euphemism for violence).
Congratulations also to Ward’s campaign manager Jennifer Gratz, who was one of the losing plaintiffs in the Supreme Court’s 2003 Grutter & Gratz decisions upholding affirmative action at the U. of Michigan. She may have lost in the Supreme Court, but she has now been vindicated by the voters of her state, who have effectively overturned the high court’s misbegotten ruling.