
Was Hispanic Gunman In Carson City IHOP Shooting An Immigrant?

James Fulford


Eduardo Sencion, Hispanic IHOP Shooter

Eduardo Sencion, pictured right, burst into a Carson City, Nevada International House of Pancakes, and shot several people with an AK-47. This looks like a case of what we call "Immigrant Mass Murder Syndrome." It’s difficult to say if he was an immigrant, a child of immigrants, or from a local Hispanic family dating from before the age of mass immigration. The local authorities have taken the unusual step of stating that he is actually an American citizen.

"Sencion, an American citizen, was not in the military and did not know anyone inside the IHOP, Furlong said. A yellow-ribbon bumper sticker on Sencion’s van urged support for troops."
Gunman used AK-47 in Carson City IHOP shooting,RGJ.com 6:43 PM, Sep. 6, 2011

Of course, that doesn’t mean he’s not an immigrant. Arianna Huffington, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Peter Brimelow are all citizens, but they're also immigrants.

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