Washington Lawmakers Find Voters Are Angry about Immigration Anarchy
The August Congressional recess is nearly over and many elected members apparently got an earful from constituents. And its not surprising that voters would be furious since the brazen extent of Democrat lawlessness has been on full display, particularly with its open-borders kiddie fiasco.
It is clear to anyone paying attention that the Democrats will break any law to create a permanent liberal majority by importing a new big-government-preferring people, because liberals cannot convince Americans to embrace their left-wing issues of equal outcomes rather than opportunity, maximum free stuff and rejection of competence.
The school tsunami has been building over recent weeks, with an estimated 50,000 illegal alien children currently being parceled out by the federal government across the country for free-to-them education and a generous array of freebies.
Did the Obama administration think that media sob stories about suffering chldren would shut down objections to the massive import of young welfare users? Or did too many gazillion thousands of needy foreigners show up? Reports about disease took hold in the public mind, and the scruffy kids looked more like sickness spreaders than adorable moppets clutching teddy bears.
Below, a crowded government flophouse for illegal aliens in Brownsville.
At any rate, polls show the publics rejection of open borders for freeloaders. Rasmussen pollsters found 53 percent of voters thought the illegal kids should not be allowed to attend local schools.
The tyrannical executive amnesty to turn America hispanic Democrat is opposed as well. An IBD/TIPP poll found 63 percent opposed an executive order to slow deportation of undocumented immigrants by providing them with legal protection and work permits (aka Amnesty).
Seventy percent of Americans believe illegal immigration threatens traditional culture, according to a recent IPSOS/Reuters survey.
The Polling Company found a desire among the public for enforcement, with 81 percent of citizens favoring the protection of American workers.
So yes, the citizens are riled up that the countrys immigration laws and borders are not being enforced, particularly at a time when jihadist enemies would love to attack America.
In town halls, U.S. lawmakers hear voter anger over illegal migrants, Reuters, August 28, 2014
(Reuters) When Republican Rep. Jeb Hensarling sat down with colleagues and constituents at a recent Chamber of Commerce lunch in Dallas, the first question he faced was whether Congress planned to address immigration policy and a burgeoning border crisis.
Im supposed to do this in 30 seconds? he joked, noting the issues complexity. While he was optimistic about long-term prospects for dealing with border security and immigration, he said, between now and the end of this Congress, Im a little less sanguine about it.
It has been a question heard repeatedly by lawmakers this month in town hall district meetings punctuated and sometimes dominated by concerns and angry outbursts over immigration policy and the crisis caused by a flood of child migrants at the southwestern border in recent months.
Those summer town halls have provided lawmakers a first-hand glimpse of growing discontent among Americans over U.S. immigration policy. Seventy percent of Americans including 86 percent of Republicans believe undocumented immigrants threaten traditional U.S. beliefs and customs, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll conducted in mid-July.
Those fears have been exacerbated by the recent wave of illegal child migrants from Central America. An issue that had been simmering is now hotting up as voters prepare to go to the polls in congressional elections due in November.
The anger and frustration expressed in the town halls suggests there will be a fierce debate when U.S. lawmakers return to Washington on Sept. 8 and take up proposals to address a flood of child migrants crossing the southwestern U.S. border.
While conservative anger has not approached the levels seen during the healthcare debate in August 2009, when town halls across the country were frequently disrupted, members of both parties have been confronted on the issue.
From border states like Texas to less likely hot spots like Oregon, Colorado, and New York, Democratic and Republican lawmakers have heard a steady stream of questions and complaints from voters most pushing for a crackdown on illegal immigration and some worried about what they see as Washingtons inaction.
I hear it everywhere I go, said Oregon Republican Greg Walden, who travels the country in his role as chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee.The anger is palpable, Hensarling, a six-term conservative congressman who is often identified by colleagues as a possible next Speaker of the House, told Reuters.
Local media reported police were called to a meeting in Hollister, California hosted by Democratic Rep. Sam Farr after an audience member shouted at Farr and the crowd about the dangers posed by the child migrants.
A town hall hosted by Democrat Jared Polis of Colorado featured constituents shouting at Polis and each other, and applauding those who contradicted him, on a range of issues, most prominently immigration, a local newspaper said
Weve had seven town halls, and immigration is the number one issue that comes up, Polis told Reuters.
A series of executive actions on immigration that President Barack Obama plans to unveil next month could further intensify the debate. The policy changes are likely to fuel Republican accusations that Obama is overstepping his authority.
Conservative concerns over immigration have been merging with Republican worries about Obamas healthcare, economic and foreign policies, Oregon lawmaker Walden said.Its morphed into something bigger than a debate over fixing our broken immigration system its a piece of the overall sense that things are on the wrong track in this country, he said.
Hensarling said theres a lot of fear about that, about a president who has a pen and a phone, but doesnt seem to have a copy of the Constitution.
But Polis said even left-leaning voters are growing frustrated by the lack of progress in Congress on a long-term policy fix. A bipartisan June 2013 immigration reform bill that passed the Senate has been stalled in the House.
Opinion polls show concerns about immigration extend to every region of the country, although they are most acutely felt in the southwestern states near the Mexican border.
Despite voter concerns, political strategists from both parties say immigration is unlikely to be the deciding factor in any battleground midterm congressional race. Republicans must pick up six seats to reclaim control of the Senate in November, and are heavily favored to pad their comfortable majority in the House of Representatives.
Only three Republican Senate contenders New Hampshires Scott Brown, Michigans Terri Lynn Land, and Arkansas Tom Cotton have run advertisements about immigration. Vulnerable incumbents have largely avoided potentially controversial town halls that could force them to answer tough questions on the topic.
National Democrats believe roughly two dozen House districts could see immigration play a role in November’s result, and pundits frequently point to Colorado’s competitive Senate race as the likeliest immigration battleground.
But the candidates in that contest have sparred over other issues, and Republican Cory Gardner earlier this month voted with a mostly Democratic bloc not to repeal Obama’s 2012 measure providing a stay of deportations to young undocumented migrants.