
WASHINGTON POST Suddenly Concerned About TAXPAYERS Over Border Wall Funding

A.W. Morgan


In its article about the confrontation between President Trump and putative House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and incoming Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, a headline and teaser on the front page of the Washington Post put it this way:

Pelosi, Schumer, Trump clash in Oval Office over border security, shutdown: President Trump, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer argued over Trump’s demand that taxpayers must pay for a wall along the Mexico border or he will shut down part of the government [emphasis added].


Since when did the Post start using taxpayers that way in stories about government spending?

Had the showdown been about welfare, my guess is it would have said this: "Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer met with the president to request a modest increase in help for the needy from the government, but a furious Trump demanded budget cuts and threatened to shut down part of the government if he didn’t get them.

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