
Welfare Is A Part Of The Biden Regime Zerg Rush



Opening up welfare for legal and illegal aliens was always a part of the Biden Regime Administrative Amnesty. It is always a demand of the radical Left that welfare be opened up to illegal aliens, and the Biden Regime has just expanded welfare for illegal aliens in the deportation process from the current zerg rush.

The Biden Regime has been approvingwaivers” for the legislative prohibitions on providing health insurance to illegal aliens since the start of the Biden Regime, as well as the Regime itself expanding other welfare programs for illegal aliens.

Now New York is expanding State medical welfare to illegal aliens, thanks to funding from the Federal government.

State Senate Democrats have approved legislation to provide low-cost health care to migrants after the federal government agreed to provide the cash.

“We are already spending over a billion dollars without giving any type of regular care to these folks,” state Senate Health Committee Chair Gustavo Rivera (D-Bronx), who sponsored the bill, said on the chamber floor Thursday night.

“So these folks are already here. They get sick. They get flus [sic] They get colds. They break legs … What we’re suggesting here is that we have a way to get federal money so it does not cost the state anything…”

Rivera said the total cost to federal taxpayers is at least $1 billion per year.

NYS Senate Approves Bill Giving Illegal Immigrants Health Care After Feds Agree To Pick Up Tab, by Zach Williams, New York Post, June 9, 2023

Essentially, Americans are paying for their own replacement.

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