You can’t complain that high tuition private colleges aren’t well-staffed these days. From an article in the Washington Post about problems college freshmen have with their parents when they go home on vacation for the first time:
A growing number of colleges are helping freshmen and their families navigate the fine art of learning to live together once again. Last week, George Washington University hosted a seminar for about 40 students on "Going Home: It will be different."The university’s Office of Parent Services also sent a letter to parents explaining that their kids won’t be the same people this semester — and probably will sleep a lot.
Tips included: "Try not to remove all of the freedoms that your student has become accustomed to over the past few months. They have developed a new way of living, and reverting back to the 'old way' may cause stress." The letter ends with a couple of phone numbers to the school’s Office of Parent Services that parents can call "if things get rough."