"Well, That’s Different." DC Rioters Face 10 Years Prison + $25k Fine For "Felony Rioting"

James Fulford


It’s annoying to conservatives to see riots called "protests" in the press, and even the Daily Mail refers to them as "Anti-Trump protesters" but the US Attorney is charging them with "Felony Rioting". (Via Instapundit, whose reaction was "Well, that’s different.") The Daily Mail features a protester protesting a window with protest bat.

Anti-Trump protesters will face up to 10 years in prison | Daily Mail Online

Majority of 230 protesters arrested on Inauguration Day will face 10 years in prison and $25k fine as US attorney says they will be charged with felony rioting

By Anna Hopkins and Cheyenne Roundtree For Dailymail.com

Published: 01:57 GMT, 22 January 2017 | Updated: 04:10 GMT, 22 January 2017

Below, two views of what I think was the same limo which was protested by someone who threw a protest flare into its interior.

Here’s Larry King (age 83) talking about what happened to his SUV:

Protestors in DC smashed the windows of my hired SUV & many other cars. I was working in-studio & am ok, but my driver is a bit rattled.

— Larry King (@kingsthings) January 20, 2017

I don’t blame him for being rattled, if he was in the car. I don’t know if anyone was in the car hit by the protest flare, but I don’t believe that the "protesters" cared.

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