WeSearchr Fundraiser For AmRen Attendee Who Was Beaten By Antifa — Give Generously!

James Fulford


Pat Buchanan once quoted Whittaker Chambers to the effect that conservatives fail to "retrieve their wounded." Usually this refers to career damage (Jason Richwine, Derb, et cetera, et cetera) but here a middle-aged man attending the American Renaissance conference was actually beaten up by four protesters, and thrown in the lake (pictured at right.)

You can contribute to a WeSearchr fundraiser for him here

AmRen Attendee Ambushed By ANTIFA: Legal and Medical Fund

Goal of Bounty

At the 2017 American Renaissance conference, the enemies of free speech attempted to "shut down" the event and intimidate attendees. They staged a rally, took invasive photographs, verbally harassed the guests, and attempted to prevent them from accessing the venue’s restrooms and restaurant.

One middle-aged attendee was attacked outside his ground-floor room. Witnesses reported that 3-4 ANTIFA punched, kicked, and tazed him before appearing to hold him underwater in a nearby lake. Park rangers rescued the victim from the water, who was then forced to leave his dog behind in his room as an ambulance took him directly to the hospital. After an examination for bleeding behind the eye, the hospital released him into custody. He spent a night in jail and is now facing a charge of disorderly conduct. Several ANTIFA were also arrested.

The attendee, who has no experience with the legal system, is now overwhelmed. Let’s stand up to ANTIFA bullies by covering his medical and legal expenses, as well as his ambulance fee, as he prepares for trial. [More]

Please give generously.

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