
What Does Baltimore Need? How About … Less Murder?

Steve Sailer


From The New York Times:

Some Very Specific Things the President Could Do to Help Baltimore

And many things past administrations have done to hurt it.

By Emily Badger, July 29, 2019

… The Department of Justice under the Obama administration reached a consent decree with the Baltimore Police Department after the government found systemic racial bias on the force. Jeff Sessions, Mr. Trump’s first attorney general, tried to stall the agreement and later limited the use of police department consent decrees (he also previously withheld police assistance from Baltimore because of its sanctuary-city status).

In reality, Baltimore’s big new problem is that Black Lives Matter won a political victory over the Baltimore Police Department in its Freddie Gray Riot of 4/27/2015 and the subsequent prosecution of six cops (none of them found guilty, of course). This launched a massive Ferguson Effect, which is visible simply in Baltimore’s annual murder tolls:

Just getting Baltimore’s murder numbers down from the recent average of ~325 per year to the old normal of ~215 per year would be a huge improvement.

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