What Is Woke?
From a tweet thread from David Boxenhorn (@davidboxenhorn)
Apr 4
What is Woke?
It is a worldview that teaches that all interactions are about power. There is only one conflict in the world, and it is the powerful against the powerless, where the powerful are trying to preserve their power (this is called “intersectionality”)
Intersectionality applies equally to individual and group interactions. Employer-employee, husband-wife, sectarian conflicts, and international conflicts can all be understood through Wokeness
The moral stance is always the same: the powerless must be supported against the powerful
It is usually easy to identify who is powerful and who powerless. The known hierarchy is as follows:
FemaleThere might still be some difficulty in placing other groups on the hierarchy
If you are not a member of any of these groups, for example if you are a white, heterosexual, Christian male, you are at the bottom of the hierarchy. In a conflict with a member of any of these groups, the moral stance is to support the other person
If your country is predominantly not populated by any of these groups, your country is at the bottom of the hierarchy. In a conflict with a country that is predominantly populated by members of any of these groups, the moral stance is to support the other country
Since all conflicts are about power, it is not necessary to examine the arguments, ideas, or actions of the of [sic] sides in the argument. The moral stance is clear
It is, in fact, immoral to examine the arguments, ideas, or actions of the powerful side, for that will only increase the power of the powerful. (Remember, power is determined by the hierarchy, not by any other measurement, such as the ability to control others)
When determining a path for your life, it is immoral to seek to acquire the skills of the powerful, and become powerful yourself. The moral life path is to seek to diminish the power of the powerful, or to increase the power of the powerless
Members of a powerless group that acquire the skills of the powerful, and become powerful, must clearly proclaim their Wokeness, and clearly pursue Wokeness in all aspects of their life. If they don’t, they are automatically excluded from the powerless group
Members of powerful groups may be partially forgiven for their power if they clearly proclaim their Wokeness, clearly pursue Wokeness in all aspects of their life, and become allies of powerless groups
Since the morality of any conflict is clear, it is not necessary to adhere to enlightenment values, such as freedom of conscience, freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, freedom of inquiry, etc. Indeed, these notions were created by powerful men seeking to preserve their power
Now you know everything. Destroy the powerful. Empower the powerless, anything else is immoral.
You may say I’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one
I hope someday you’ll join us
And the world will be as one