What Kind Of Hispanic Is Jarrod Ramos? MSM Doesn’t Seem To Have Asked (Write If You Find Out)
Jarrod Ramos, the Hispanic-surnamed shooter in Maryland, seems to have acted on no political motives,but to have been driven by madness and resentment about a (true) story about him stalking a woman printed in the paper he targeted.
Stacy McCain, who’s had personal experience with this kind of thing, writes
This guy was a cliché, a stereotype of a deranged loner, and he should have been locked up in a lunatic asylum or a prison. Because I’ve had to deal with this kind of psycho — in 2013, I was one of the defendants in a baseless defamation suit, and in 2016, a guy who targeted my family for SWATting was sentenced to federal prison — I have repeatedly warned readers: Crazy People Are Dangerous.
Ramos still might be either a case of “Immigrant Mass Murder Syndrome" or case of “Disgruntled Minority Massacre”, but we don’t know, because the MSM is unable to tell us either what kind of Hispanic he is, or whether he was born in America. He’s described as a "white guy" both by witnesses and media, but he could still be a Mexican-American and be white. The MSM doesn’t want to know, and they really don’t want us to know,
As usual, Heavy.com’s Five Facts You Need To Know about this guy don’t include anything like that. There is one thing out of the five worth mentioning.
- 5. Ramos Tweeted in 2014 'Mass Shootings Cannot Happen Anywhere' With a Reference to the Newspaper’s Old Office & Also Tweeted About the 2015 Killings of 2 TV Journalists
That was a “Disgruntled Minority Massacre”: Vester Lee Flanagan, a black journalist, killed two white colleagues on camera because he'd decided they were "racists."
- Vester Flanagan’s Suppressed Manifesto, Black Psychopathy, And Obama’s War On Whites
"Alison Made Racist Comments" — Black Anchorman Kills White Man And White Woman On Air
I still remember the fury that Jonathan Chait showed when Breitbart broke protocal and reported the racial murder in a headline:
I’m too angry to be tweeting about these racist demagogues at Breitbart but I can’t contain myself right now. pic.twitter.com/Jz3zTTr6HF
— Jonathan Chait (@jonathanchait) August 26, 2015
So if any of our readers can figure out what kind of Hispanic Jarrod was, write me here.