What % of #MeTooed Celebrities Voted for Trump?
Ten percent?
Here’s the latest “And Then They Came For …” case. From The Harvard Crimson:
Star Economics Prof Fryer Facing Harvard and State-Level Investigations, Barred from Lab He Heads
Economics Professor Roland G. Fryer, Jr. is being investigated separately by Harvard and the state of Massachusetts and has been barred by University officials from setting foot in the research lab he heads.
Fryer is said to be the highest paid professor of Harvard’s Faculty of Arts and Sciences. In other words, there are some higher paid professors at the professional schools, but last I checked he’s top dog among the regular part of the faculty, making $618,000 in 2015.
The reason he’s paid so much is because he wins awards like the Bates Medal for top economist under 40 and brings in huge grants from people like Michael Bloomberg for his studies of potential solutions to social studies. Why? Because he’s smart, energetic, centrist in politics, good with numbers, not too ideological … and he’s black.
Fryer is a pretty useful guy to have on the national scene. I’ve written about him several times:
Roland G. Fryer Jr., Slave Ships and Salt
Roland G. Fryer Wins Bates Medal for Poking Around at Margins of Race & IQ
Fryer and Steve “Freakonomics” Levitt co-authored a fun study of Black Baby Names.
I’m sure Fryer didn’t vote for Trump, but I’d bet that he would have voted for Bloomberg over Hillary if the former NYC mayor had run as a centrist third party candidate.
The charges he’s being investigated upon sound pretty exiguous, like the ones Clarence Thomas barely survived all those years ago: no touching, just sex talk.
The woman’s complaint alleges Fryer spoke about sex in the workplace, made “sexually inappropriate comments” to and about employees and others, and “objectified and sexualized” women including female staffers, according to the lawyers.
It sounds like he’s being #MeTooed for being a normal black guy.