What’s The Top Story On Racism In Google News?
It’s this one, and about 20 more articles on the same subject:
Students Rally To Combat Racism At Trinity College
WFSB Hartford — 4 hours ago
HARTFORD, Conn. — Students at Trinity College in Hartford were planning a rally Tuesday after a string of racist attacks on campus. Students tell Eyewitness News over the past few weeks there have been several racial and homophobic scares around the … .
Instead of having a rally against "racism" in response to "racial and homophobic scares," why not have a rally against cowardice, moral panics, or witch hunting?
Clicking through on the story, I see this:
Students told Eyewitness News over the past few weeks there have been several racial and homophobic incidents around the school.
Several seems to be three:
"It’s really disheartening," said junior Augusta MacLaughlin. "It’s something I wouldn’t expect."
The dean said in two cases, offensive slurs were left on two dorm room doors. The most recent incident involved a male student getting a beer can thrown at him while being called a hateful slur.
The college judicial system is now investigating the attacks.
Only one of the three named is an attack — throwing a beer can. Leaving an (unnamed) hateful slur on a dorm room door is more like libel.
They won’t say what the hateful slur is, either the ones on the door, or the one that went with the beer can, but since they're saying "homophobic" attack, I assume it means that some teenager wrote "Fag!" on some other teenager’s door.
As for the slur that accompanied the thrown beer can, the President of Trinity College called it the "the vilest and the most despicable word" in the English language, so you would have to assume it was the Deplorable Word that was recently edited out of Huckleberry Finn — but the story doesn’t even give the initial.
Another, more informative story is here — Trinity College: Racist Confrontation Prompts Rally |Students and professors concerned about pervasive racism seeking stronger administrative response By Kathleen Megan, Hartford Courant, April 25, 2011.
A racial incident at Trinity College last week has outraged students, faculty and the administration, and students plan a protest rally Tuesday at noon.
Juan Hernandez, a sophomore from Chicago, said he was dropping off a friend at a dormitory about 2:30 a.m. Friday when a white male threw a beer at Hernandez’s car.
Hernandez said he got out of his car and said, "Are you serious?" Hernandez said the man yelled "Get off our campus." Hernandez responded, "I’m a student here, idiot." He said the man replied, "Sure you are" and used the "n-word."
"I ask him, ’so you're going to be racist?'" Hernandez said. The man responded, "Hell yeah," Hernandez said.
Hernandez e-mailed an account of the incident to top administrators at the college, who are taking it seriously. In his e-mail, Hernandez said, "Somebody needs to pay for the damage that they have caused me and other minority students on campus. … I am very tired of these incidents going unpunished."[More]
That’s "this incident," not these incidents. One beer can, thrown by one white guy at 2:30 in the morning, equals one rally, where everybody is supposed dress in black, in solidarity with the victims of racism.