What’s "White Nationalist" about Official English anyway?
The numerous readers whose hobby is helpfully pointing out VDARE.com typos won’t be surprised that I didn’t notice the famous mispelled banner at Pat Buchanan’s American Cause conference — nor that I think the issue is trivial. But it might be surprising that the left blogosphere is so outraged that I dared argue support for Official English is one obvious part of a nationalist strategy to build a patriotic majority party in the U.S. For the record, here’s Rasmussen Reports on May 14, 2009:
Eighty-four percent (84%) of Americans say English should be the official language of the United States … The support for English as the country’s official language remains steady from three years ago. Eighty-one percent (81%) say a U.S. company should be allowed to require employees to speak English on the job, up four points from November 2007 … Support for making English the nation’s official language is strong across partisan lines. The concept is supported by 96% of Republicans, 74% of Democrats and 85% of adults not affiliated with either major party. Similarly, while 90% of Republicans believe companies should be permitted to require employees to speak English on the job, that view is also shared by 80% of unaffiliateds and 74% of Democrats.
Rasmussen’s crosstabs, available to premium subscribers, reveal the interesting fact that this is one controversial issue where women are just as hawkish as men.
What this means is that, as Rasmussen reported at the time, John McCain missed a huge opportunity by not attacking Obama for saying "instead of worrying about whether immigrants can learn English,Americans need to make sure your child can speak Spanish."
But what else is new? I see that I and VDARE.com are being smeared again as being "white nationalist". (For another example, inspired by a recent Don Collins column, see here). My invitation to speak at the conference has become part of what seems like a systematic campaign to get MSNBC to drop Pat.
As I have patiently explained many times, VDARE.com is not a "white nationalist" site but a coalition focused on the need for patriotic immigration reform. We do publish some writers whom I would regard as "white nationalist" in the sense that they aim to defend the interests of American whites. They are not white supremacists. They do not advocate violence. They are rational and civil. They brush their teeth. But they unashamedly work for their people — exactly as La Raza works for Latinos and the Anti-Defamation League works for Jews.
As immigration policy drives whites into a minority, this type of interest-group "white nationalism" will inexorably increase. Get used to it, leftoids.
But what’s "white nationalist" about advocating Official English anyway? Anyone can learn English. As Rasmussen noted:
Eighty-two percent (82%) also reject the idea that requiring people to speak English is a form of racism or bigotry, up three points from 2007.
The real issue: the left is instinctively opposed to any measure that might strengthen the unity and coherence of the American nation. That’s why they're part of the Treason Lobby.