When An Entire Family Is Arrested For Shoplifting, Your First Question Will Be "What KIND Of Family?"

James Fulford


When you see a headline that says Glendale family arrested in alleged shoplifting incident at Sears, [LA Times, August 30, 2011] your first question should be "What kind of family?" My guess, based on years experience as a stereotyper, was that they were Gypsies. But they're not, they're Hispanic:

"A Glendale family of four — including two teenage sisters — were arrested over the weekend after they attempted to steal about $550 worth of shoes and cologne from a Sears store in Burbank, police said.

Christian Gonzalez, 31, and his wife, Norma Gonzalez, 32, along with their 13- and 14-year-old daughters were arrested outside the store on Magnolia Boulevard after employees stopped them and said they were placing shoes and boxes of cologne into bags from another store … ."

Note the demographics — Christian Gonzalez was 17, and his wife was 18, when they had their first child. I’m not even sure if this is legal in California, but whatever. Also, the two daughters may not be the entire second generation. The little ones may be at home with their 48 year old grandmother.

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