When Harvey Weinstein Wasn’t Harassing Women, He Was Bashing The Catholic Church

Robert deBrus


The National Catholic Register has posted an interesting little piece to remind us that weirdo and rape suspect Harvey Weinstein has spent much of his career bashing us mackerel snappers.[A Litany of Harvey Weinstein’s Catholic-Bashing Films | Weinstein had no problem with hatred and bigotry?he simply didn’t want it directed toward him, by Angelo Stagnaro, October. 14, 2017]

The newspaper provides a list of the revolting anti-Catholic fare the very Jewish Weinstein has produced and peddled:

NCR helpfully notes that the anti-Catholic bigot received the Simon Wiesenthal Center’s Humanitarian Award in 2015, and unbosomed this thigh slapper:

We’re gonna have to get as organized as the Mafia. We just can’t take it anymore. We just can’t take these things. There’s gotta be a way to fight back.

Take what? Jews have been running Hollywood since forever.

Maybe one reason for all Weinstein’s anti-Catholic films was this: Catholics, specifically the Legion of Decency and Martin Quigley, helped forced Hollywood’s Jewish movie moguls to adopt a production code that toned down what was appearing in pre-code films.

When the code went the way of black-and-white films, Hollywood really began spewing the filth.

Of course, money wasn’t the only motivator: Said Jewish pornographer Al Goldstein, “The only reason that Jews are in pornography is that we think that Christ sucks.”

In other words, all those anti-Catholic films were payback.

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