When It Comes To Immigration Reporting, Don’t Look For Any "Sunshine"
Each year the American Society of Newspaper Editors declares the week of March 15-21 as "Sunshine Week", during which many editorial boards, including the Wisconsin State Journal’s, champion the public’s rights to access government information, Shine more light on government, March 16, 2009.
"But the battle to keep the public informed never ends. Governments big and small continue to put up needless if not illegal roadblocks to public documents," etc.,etc.
Yet every day these same editors sit mute while their reporters create their own "needless roadblocks" by routinely ignoring their own rules of fair and balanced reporting, thus keeping the public in the dark about the costs associated with mass immigration and the threat it poses to the survival of this republic.
You don’t need to be a highly-educated media analyst to see how this has been done for years. Just pick nearly any newspaper story written during the past 10 years about immigrants in papers of every circulation size and you will invariably come away with the idea they are the only ones left in this country, especially those here illegally, who are entitled to "search for a better life."
If it were possible to assemble all these editors in a large auditorium, I'd ask them:
- When was the last time you ran a front-page story and photo about our own working poor being forced to compete with illegal aliens for jobs that rightfully belong to them?
- Where was your in-depth coverage of how Senate Majority Harry Reid screwed American workerswhen he successfully kept E-Verify’s reauthorization out of both the Stimulus and Omnibus Spending bills?
- Should we hold our breath waiting for the waves of outrage from your editorial offices over Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s recent comment that illegals are "special and very,very patriotic"?