
Where in the World Is Prof. Dr. Blasey Ford?

Steve Sailer


One of the more fun angles to the Supreme Court circus has been Professor Doctor Blasey Ford’s contention that she couldn’t testify yesterday because her claustrophobia means she can’t fly but has to drive from Palo Alto to Washington. I was looking forward to road trip progress reports that she was in, say, Elko, Nevada or Green River, Wyoming or Hammond, Indiana.

Is there a song about driving east on Interstate 80?

Google Maps says it takes a minimum of 44 hours of driving to get from Palo Alto to the Capitol Building, so she’d better start soon if she’s going to get there to testify on Thursday.

The fastest I ever drove across the country in elapsed time (not just driving time) was 93 hours from Los Angeles to Manhattan.

But I haven’t heard any news. What’s up?

Update: Doctor Professor Blasey Ford is now posting on social media smartphone photos of her progress, taken from the backseat of her non-claustrophobic car, a red Chevy convertible. She and her crack driving crew are somewhere around Barstow on the edge of the desert:


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