Congratulations to Hazleton’s Mayor Lou Barletta:
Hazleton mayor named Pa.’s Mayor of the Year timesleader.com Sunday July 20, 2008.
Barletta, of course, came to fame two years ago with a city ordnance impeding the influx of illegal immigrants into his little north-east Pennsylvania town. Yet another in the apparently endless supply of Treason Lobby Federal Judges struck it down on the usual tortured grounds, but Barletta is still fighting, much to the irritation of the local establishment, (amongst others):
Barletta continues immigration fight with a gimmick standardspeaker.com July 20 2008
Barletta is trying to find a way to keep Hazleton free of illegals. He’s asking businesses to buy into his I-9 Challenge, so named for the federal I-9 employment eligibility document that all full- and part-time workers must sign before taking a job.
The Standard-Speaker grudgingly concedes
Those who know Barletta know he’s truly passionate about immigrationBarletta is apparently running for Congress against an incumbent Democrat. It speaks volumes of the unacknowledged power of this issue that the Democrat National Committee is already spending heavily against him:
House Democrats launch first TV ad of fall race By DAVID ESPO The Associated Press July 17 2008
Needless to say, they do not dare to challenge Barletta on Immigration, but instead — laughably — try to link him to President Bush, from whom on the immigration issue Barletta could not be more divorced.
This contest means that VDARE.com, as a tax exempt entity, will probably have to stop commenting on this remarkable patriot. (We have always hoped to set up a separate arm able to deal with this kind of situation, but sadly have not yet found the backing.)
But we can repost an old blog Go, Lou Barletta!