
White Actress Pulls Out Of West Side Story Because of ‘Whitewashing’

Eugene Gant


Add these items to the “this-is-why-we-can’t-have-fun-anymore” file.

Hank Azaria has said he’s just fine with not voicing Apu, the Indian convenience store owner on “The Simpsons.” It’s insensitive and all that.

Bad as that is, we get this from England. Broadway star Sierra Boggess is giving up the role of Maria in “West Side Store” because she’s, Boggess, is white. And whites aren’t allowed to play anyone but whites.

The Latinos complained, and that was that.

Said Boggess:

After much reflection, I’ve realized that if I were to do this concert, it would once again deny Latinas the opportunity to sing this score, as well as deny the IMPORTANCE of seeing themselves represented onstage. And that would be a huge mistake.”

Since the announcement of this concert, I have had many conversations about why this is a crucial time, now more than ever, to not perpetuate the miscasting of this show. “I apologize for not coming to this realization sooner and as an artist, I must ask myself how I can best serve the world.

Question: If whites can’t play certain roles, does this mean we can forget about blackwashing James Bond, Race Bannon and “The Godfather?

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