
White Men To The Back Of The Bus: Biden’s “Restaurants Revitalization Fund” Puts Restaurants Owned By Women And Minorities First

Paul Kersey


Earlier: White Farmers Need Not Apply: $4 Billion Debt Relief for "Black, Indigenous, Hispanic and Other Farmers of Color" In $1.9 Trillion COVID Relief Bill

So what does white privilege look like in 2021? White business owners seeking coronavirus aid from the federal government can wait in the back of the bus…

Biden Coronavirus Relief Prioritizes Funds for Non-White Business Owners, Breitbart.com, May 5, 2021

Restaurants and venues owned by white men will be last in line for federal relief under President Joe Biden’s “Restaurants Revitalization Fund” (RRF), prioritizing funds for women and minority groups first.

As part of Biden’s American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, the Small Business Administration (SBA) is opening the application process by which owners of restaurant, bars, and other venues can apply for federal relief to help make up for the loss of revenue as a result of economic lockdowns spurred by the Chinese coronavirus crisis.

The plan allows business owners to apply for relief of up to $10 million per business and no more than $5 million per physical location. Business owners do not have to repay the funds so long as the money is spent by March 2023.

The relief, though, is being prioritized based on race, gender, and whether or not business owners are considered “socially and economically disadvantaged individuals.” White men, for example, who are not Veterans of the United States Armed Forces, are not eligible for “priority period” processing and funding.

Under the guidelines of the RRF, the SBA is giving priority processing and funding to “small business owned by women, veterans, or socially and economically disadvantaged individuals.”

To be eligible, the business must be “at least 51 percent owned by one or more individuals who are women, veterans, or socially and economically disadvantaged and if the management and daily business operations of the applicant are controlled by one or more women, veterans, or socially and economically disadvantaged individual.”

The Biden administration is defining businesses owned by “socially and economically disadvantaged” individuals as those who are:

The RRF guidelines state that the SBA will “will look at whether the net worth of the individual claiming disadvantage is less than $750,000” and “will also look at whether the adjusted gross income of the individual averaged over the preceding three years exceeds $350,000” to determine if they are considered “economically disadvantaged.”

The Biden administration has used similar race-based priorities in other federal programs. This month a group of white farmers in Wisconsin, Minnesota, Ohio, and South Dakota filed suit against the Biden administration, alleging that a federal loan forgiveness program excludes them because they are white.

Starting to understand what a majority non-white America is going to look like and how “historically disadvantaged” groups will be treated at the expense of the actual Historical American Nation?

Anti-white discrimination is going to get increasingly explicit and overt, with the Biden Administration offering not a glimpse of the distant future when white people are a minority, but an example of present policies being enacted to showcase what happens when a racial group is guilted into being colorblind in a world where every other racial group views reality through the prism of what’s best for their ethnic group.

[Comment at Unz.com]

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