
White NFL Star Has Wife And Six Kids=Bad; Black NFL Stars Have Up To ELEVEN Illegitimate Kids=?

James Fulford


"Why scold black NFL players for having multiple neglected kids with numerous ‘baby mommas’…" asks Kathy Shaidle, "When you can pick on a married white Catholic one for having six he takes care of?"

That’s Ed Morrissey at Hot

ESPN passes fan comment to Chargers QB: Six kids is too much to be good parent

posted at 6:56 pm on October 17, 2013 by It’s a couple of months old now, but it’s still weird enough to note. San Diego Chargers quarterback Philip Rivers, a staunch Catholic, has six children and one on the way, a total that wouldn’t have raised eyebrows a couple of generations ago but now is apparently fodder for sports fans and reporters alike. Sam Allpour trolled the comments sections of sports sites and chose this as his finale to Rivers for the August 19th edition of the ESPN College Football Preview … one of only four questions posed, and the only one not about sports:

Six kids? Regardless of your profession, it’s impossible to be a good parent to six kids. Not enough hours in the day.– From comments

Seriously? This is the burning question that fans want answered — whether a man who makes millions of dollars a year can handle a family of six (soon to be seven) children? It’s not even a question, but a snide judgment based on ignorance and worse. My best friend in grade school came from a family of seven kids on a far more modest income (as were we all), and they grew up perfectly well with two wonderful, hard-working parents. Some of my favorite memories in those years, apart from those of my own family, were with them.[More]

A big factor in a normal family’s ability to have multiple kids is whether the mother can afford to stay at home with the kids.

That’s part of what Steve Sailer calls "Affordable Family Formation."

Black NFL players practice non-family formation — sports sites have, as you might expect, a lot of statistics:

I assume somewhere in the NFL there’s at least one white guy making child support payments to a cheerleader, but every one of "The Top 10 Athletes With the Most Illegitimate Children" is black. Pictured below, Ray Lewis. Lewis is nowhere near the record holder (five kids, with multiple mothers) but I picked him because he’s wearing a "Best Dad" t-shirt.

Ray Lewis, Best Dad

This, of course, is bad enough as long as they remain rich, famous, and capable of paying child support, but they don’t, always.

When running back Travis Henry was drafted by the Buffalo Bills in 2001, he already had 3 children and in 2008 he was suspended for at least one year from the NFL for violating the league’s strict substance abuse policy after testing positive for marijuana and then during this suspension he was arrested again and in July 2009, sentenced to three years in federal prison for financing a cocaine trafficking operation. Unfortunately Travis Henry has had a hard time paying child support for his 11 children from 10 different women from a jail cell. Apparently prior to his arrests he wasn’t too good at it either. He was arrested in Florida for not paying child support at least once. [The Epidemic of NFL Players Who Are Fathering Children at Record Rates, by Laura J. Lovell, Yahoo Contributor Network Mar 28, 2010 "]

So as I say, the white Catholic quarterback with six kids (and one on the way) is not a major social problem by comparison.

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