
"White-Only Training" Wasn’t White Privilege, It Was White Punishment Drill

James Fulford


This story is about a training on white privilege and white “allyship” which was only available to whites.

Here’s an excerpt from the story:

Woke or KKK’: NYU Hosts Whites-Only ‘Antiracism’ Workshop for Public School Parents

Experts say workshop violated multiple civil rights laws

By Aaron Sibarium, Washington Free Beacon, July 11, 2023

New York University hosted a whites-only “anti-racism” workshop for public school parents in New York City, barring minorities from a five-months-long seminar that legal experts say was a brazen violation of civil rights law.

The all-white seminar, “From Integration to Anti-Racism,” cost $360 to attend and met six times between February and June, according to a description of the program that has since been scrubbed from the university’s website without explanation. Organized by NYU’s Steinhardt School of Education, the workshop was “designed specifically for white public school parents” committed to “becoming anti-racist” and building “multiracial parent communities.”

But to promote solidarity with all races, participants were told, it was necessary that the seminar include only one.

A few days before the first session, facilitators circulated a short handout, “Why a White Space,” to explain “why we are meeting as white folks for these six months.” The handout, produced by the nonprofit Alliance of White Anti-Racists Everywhere, argued that white people need spaces where they can “unlearn racism” without subjecting minorities to “undue trauma or pain.” [More]

And from what I see on Twitter, people are acting as if this was a “whites only” club.

Obviously, this is not a privilege for whites, like membership at a country club, but a punishment, like the Marine Corps Boot Camp Motivation Platoon, which you can only participate in if you’re a “whiner, slacker or deadbeat”, or like the French Foreign Legion’s crapaud (field punishment), which you can only participate in by defying your Sergeant.

You could also compare it to post WWII “Denazification” programs, which you could only participate in if you had been a Nazi.

Considering that the program’s participants were self-selected, and voluntarily paying $360 for the privilege, it might be compared to the Spanish and New Mexican penitential orders, who gather in groups to flog themselves in public.

You can only participate in those if you’re a miserable sinner — or think you are, which is kind of the point of the whites-only “anti-racism” workshop above.

So this “white privilege” workshop is not a manifestation of white racism, but of anti-white racism.

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