White People Aren’t Very Good At Getting Away With Murder

Steve Sailer


As we all learned from watching The Rockford Files, small towns are extremely homicidal and conspiratorial. Every week, as Ben Stein noted back in the 1970s, ace detective Jim Rockford would venture forth from Malibu to some backwoods hamlet where all the denizens were covering up some sinister rural plot, only to make it back to the safety of the L.A. city limits by the episode’s end, case solved.

Thus, Audacious "Validating Stereotypes Since 2005" Epigone calculates the rate of unsolved murders by state. The top and bottom 10s, with a higher figure indicating a higher percentage of unsolved murders:

State Unknown
1. District of Columbia 56.1%
2. Illinois 55.4%
3. Maryland 46.1%
4. New York 44.0%
5. California 43.9%
6. Massachusetts 43.8%
7. Rhode Island 42.0%
8. New Jersey 41.8%
9. Michigan 38.8%
10. Connecticut 37.1%

41. West Virginia 12.1%
42. South Carolina 10.6%
43. Maine 10.4%
44. Iowa 9.8%
45. South Dakota 9.2%
46. Montana 8.2%
47. Vermont 5.6%
48. North Dakota 4.5%
49. Wyoming 4.5%
50. Idaho 3.9%

An accompanying visualization is available here. (Java only)

Oh, wait, it’s almost as if TV detective shows reflect the screenwriters' neuroses more than the demographic realities. Maybe there are two different kinds of stereotypes: populist (Bad) and media (Good).

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