Who And What Will The Democrats Blame For Ho-Hum Evening?
In the Eastern Time Zone, the Democrats’ Blue Wave is looking pretty small so far.
If this trend holds up, who and what do you think the Democrats and their media enablers will blame?
- Putin
- White men
- Not enough black murderers being allowed to vote
- The Voting Rights Act of 1982 that mandates gerrymandering of black and Latino districts to enable more black and Latino Democrats to be elected (Ha ha, just kidding, mentioning that would be racist)
- Legacy of slavery
- FDR’s redlining
- The Constitution
- Mercer, Adelson, and Miller
- GOP control of the media
- Not enough Inkoo Kang opeds about how hateful whites are
- Patriarchy
- The Constitution
- Americans
- The undocumented worker voters that they hired in front of Home Depot actually are Trump fans.
- Too much noticing
- The Caravan didn’t arrive on time
- The Democrats had proof of Trump colluding with Putin and that Christine Blasey Ford was telling the truth, but didn’t unveil it on time because they fell for NPC memes on Twitter about how the election was on Wednesday
- The unintersectional
- Beckys
- You