Whole KKK Assault Blanket Thing Works Out Well For Oberlin Dean
Oberlin College’s one-man Ku Klux Klan rally nervous breakdown of a couple of weeks ago has largely disappeared down the media memory hole, with, for example, apparently no information about the identities of two students removed from campus being released by anybody. (But who is even asking? Why would you want to know? All you need to know is that hate crimes at Oberlin were national front page news a couple of weeks ago, but now they aren’t. If you are supposed to be curious about what actually happened, you'll be informed that being interested is appropriate through the proper channels.)
Still, it all seems to have worked out well for one Oberlin higher-up. The local Chronicle-Telegram reports:
Kenyon College taps Oberlin dean for president[VDARE.com note: You can email Sean Decatur to congratulate him.]Filed by Lisa Roberson March 19th, 2013 in Top Stories.
An Oberlin College dean who was at the center of the college’s response to incidents of hate and bigotry has been tapped to be the next leader of Kenyon College, another of Ohio’s liberal arts colleges. Sean Decatur, 44, will be Kenyon’s 19th president and will assume the position in July. Kenyon’s Board of Trustees voted unanimously Sunday to hire Decatur after conducting a national search.