Whooping Cough "Epidemic" In California; Immigration’s Role Suppressed, As Usual

Peter Brimelow


VDARE.com has been pointing out the link between immigration and infectious diseases like whooping cough for years, and now guess what: Whooping Cough Officially Epidemic in California: Officials, By Kevin Truong, NBCLosAngeles.com, January 16, 2014.

The trendy Leftist website Vox asks a good question: We have a vaccine for whooping cough. So why’s it an epidemic in California? (by Dylan Matthews, June 16, 2014). And comes up with a stupid answer:

It’s hard to blame any single cause for public health problems like the recent rise in whooping cough, but it’s clear that anti-vaccine activists aren’t helping.

Anti-vaccine activists! Probably fundamentalist Christians!! Yech!!!

No mention, of course, of immigration — even though the diseases brought in by the current DREAM onslaught have actually gotten a little MSM coverage.

Whooping cough flares up cyclically. Here’s VDARE.com on MSM suppression the last time it flared up.

Tell Vox’s Dylan Matthews he’s a fool.

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