Why Did Fertility Go Up In Mongolia?
With fertility at low levels in Eurasia and the Americas, it’s worth looking at one Asian country that is still replicating itself:
Mongolia went from a TFR from 2.1 in 2003 to 2.9 in 2013. This seems like a miraculous accomplishment that goes completely ignored. Why has no ever tried to explain this? pic.twitter.com/SkjFd14nHU
— Richard Hanania (@RichardHanania) January 11, 2022
There was a documentary a decade ago called Babies that filmed eight-month-olds in Mongolia, Tokyo, San Francisco, and Namibia. Mongolia looked like the best place to learn to walk: you live in a tent with a soft floor, grass everywhere outside, and fun animals to play with.
It was kind of like a meme about the Virgin Tokyo Baby who keeps slipping when he tries to walk on the polished wood floor versus the Chad Mongolian Baby in his yurt who walks triumphantly by holding on to a goat.
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