ORR’s Negash: "U.S. Law? What is "law"? What is "U.S."?"
The invaluable Refugee Resettlement Watch, to which we have often linked, has stalwartly responded to the election debacle by stepping up activity, at the expense of other interests.
Amongst the new postings is ORR: Happy New (fiscal) Year newsletter reminds me….. Where are the annual reports to Congress?
The Office of Refugee Resettlement (in the Department of Health and Human Services) periodically sends out a newsletter with some glowing reports about the program.
Here is one item in the recent newsletter that caught my eye and reminded me to ask: WHERE ARE THE ANNUAL REPORTS TO CONGRESS FOR ALL OF OBAMA’S YEARS IN OFFICE-–2009, 2010, 2011 (and soon they will be due 2012) required by law?
There are only two answers why this LEGAL requirement is not being fulfilled — sheer incompetence, or they are hiding something!
This is pretty amazing. As usual, where is Congressional GOP?
RRW astutely observes
The last report filed by Eskinder Negash’s ORR is 2008, here. If you are not familiar with these reports, have a look at that one. They have to report among many things the amount of welfare refugees are receiving and their employment status. I think the numbers are so bad, they are just not doing the report.
Eskinder Negash is the Ethiopian refugee now installed as head of the Office of Refugee Resettlement. This individual has made the Refugee industry a career — apparently bringing the administrative style of Africa or Detroit to the Federal Government.
RRW concludes
*** New readers, it’s very funny that they call these federal refugee contractors VOLAGS (short for Voluntary Agency). They are contractors receiving in some cases over 90% of their funding from you — the taxpayer. They would like you to think that this was all some sort of private charity, but it isn’t!
Refugee Resettlement Watch deserves a daily visit.