Why Is Legal For The Biden Admin To Give A Left-Wing Foundation $158 Million To Help Stop Illegals Being Deported?
Perhaps someone can explain to me how this is legal: Left-wing group secured $158 million taxpayer-funded contract to help illegal immigrants avoid deportation, by Joe Schoffstall, Fox News, January 14, 2022.
The Vera Institute is a non-profit and I thought it was illegal for non-profits to receive taxpayer funds. Clearly, I must have been wrong because they very blatantly are. Would it therefore be legal to fund right-leaning groups who seek to prevent illegal immigration with taxpayer money too? If the one is allowed, then why not the other. It seems like we are encoding an unfair system of justice in this country.
It reminds me of how one of the Patrol Agents in Charge (PAICs) used to receive copies of the Southern Poverty Law Center’s Intelligence Report at the station. The SPLC blatantly labelled all immigration restrictionist groups as nativist hate groups or fellow travelers. They even had a brief write up on Lou Dobbs as an evil nativist despite Dobbs' wife being Hispanic.
I remember wondering how the SPLC was allowed to have their propaganda mailed directly to our office, but we never received pro-immigration law enforcement publications.
Wasn’t there a Hatch Act violation somewhere in there?
Incidentally, I believe that the reason our PAIC received copies of the Intelligence Report was because the SPLC cleverly puts on seminars for law enforcement on hate groups like neo-Nazis and Skinheads. (In my career on the southern and northern borders, I never met a single neo-Nazi nor even a Skinhead. I’m sure they exist, but I never saw one. About the closest I've come is some weirdos writing on social media).