
Why, No, Mr. White Man, I Expect You To DIE! But Not Quite Yet Because "Urgency Is A White Supremacy Value"

Steve Sailer


Scoop: I obtained an email from the equity manager of Oregon’s state health agency — she delayed a community meeting and then justified this on grounds that "urgency is a white supremacy value." pic.twitter.com/7vZeXQCYGP

— Robby Soave (@robbysoave) July 2, 2022

With all the money being poured into adding Diversity-Inclusion-Equity staffers since George Floyd’s demise, today’s teeming legions of DIE apparatchiks could do some real damage…if they weren’t so exhausted from all the emotional labor they must perform at all the DIE conferences they have to attend.

[Comment at Unz.com]

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