Will Both Clayton and DeKalb County Lose K-12 Accreditation?

Paul Kersey


Remember those all old commercials for LifeCall, where an old woman has fallen to the floor and hilarious quips, “I’ve fallen and I can’t get up?”

This commercial came to mind when reading of the latest trials and tribulations — self-inflicted wounds — befalling both DeKalb and Clayton County in the metro Atlanta area, particularly the K-12 school systems.

DeKalb County, where part of the city of Atlanta is located, has been known as one of the best places for black people to reside in America. Though today, the majority black county is reeling from the news of its K-12 public education system being placed on probation, for what the accrediting agency determined was “conflict and crisis” within the black-run school district.

In 1980, DeKalb County was 71 percent white and 28 percent black; by 1997, DeKalb County was 51.1 percent white and 48.9 percent black. Today, DeKalb County is 30 percent white and 54 percent black.

But none of that matters, right? Race… is inconsequential; just ask the people behind the cover-up of the almost all-black Atlanta Public Schools (APS) fiasco of 2011.

In 2008, Clayton County became the first school system in 40 years to lose it accreditation. That’s the first school system in the entire United States to have its diplomas declared officially worthless, so that they can’t be used for college entrance, or recognized by the Armed Forces as a basis for enlistment. And it may happen again. See Warnings about Clayton school board raise community concerns,By Nancy Badertscher, September 30, 2012.

Atlanta is America’s best attempt to re-create the scenario found in South Africa or Zimbabwe. Once a county goes majority black, daring to judge the newly elected black government by the same standards that white people must meet (in this case; the school boards of majority black — and black run — Clayton and DeKalb) is racist.

But whites won’t do a thing … except move away.

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