
With Birth Rates Falling, Expect Immigration Enthusiasts to Call For More Immigration

Pedro de Alvarado


See, earlier: Hungary, Poland Spend Money On Motherhood, Not Migrants. Why Not U.S.?

The recent report of America’s total fertility rate falling to 1.64 births per 1,000 women between the ages of 15 and 44 has had many demographic experts wondering what must be done in order to address this problem [U.S. Fertility Rate Drops to Lowest Level Ever, by Ronald Bailey, Reason, May 5, 2021].

Instead of pushing for family formation plans as seen in countries like Hungary, pundits are now calling for increased immigration to resolve this dilemma [Have four or more babies in Hungary and you’ll pay no income tax for life, prime minister says, by Holly Ellyatt, CNBC, February 11, 2019 ].

This instance is all-too familiar in American politics. Any problem America faces must be resolved by opening the immigration floodgates. The enlightened minds in our cheap labor–addled ruling class cannot fathom passing policies that benefit the American people.

Earlier this month, Institute for Policy Studies author John Feffer [Tweet him] wrote an article comparing the demographic situation in Germany and the United States. Both countries are facing similar population implosions, which has provoked the usual noises about expanding immigration to prop up their welfare states and boost their respective GDP. Feffer praised German Chancellor Angela Merkel for opening up her country to Mohammedan hordes in the last decade to address Germany’s plummeting birthrates, which he believes could serve as a model for the US.

Feffer listed off several worker “shortages” the US is currently facing:

Between half and three-quarters of the farmworkers who ensure a supply of food to the American population are undocumented workers, and many of the rest are recent immigrants. The pandemic hit farmworkers and food manufacturing workers hard, and even the Trump administration had to acknowledge them as essential workers in reducing their risk of deportation (though not providing them additional protection against infection).

Even before the pandemic hit, the food sector faced a shortage of workers. “In a 2017 survey of farmers by the California Farm Bureau, 55 percent reported labor shortages, and the figure was nearly 70 percent for those who depend on seasonal workers,” according to The New York Times. Meanwhile, Congress (read: Republicans in the Senate) has failed to provide a legal framework for what remains an essential workforce, pandemic or no pandemic, though the recent Farm Workforce Modernization Act has a shot of passing with bipartisan support to provide a million undocumented farmworkers with legal status.

The health-care sector similarly depends on immigrants. Of the nearly 15 million people working in the health sector, about 18 percent are immigrants. COVID-19 is going to exact a heavy toll on this sector, though. According to a recent Washington Post poll, one in three health-care workers are thinking about exiting the profession: “Many talked about the betrayal and hypocrisy they feel from the public they have sacrificed so much to save — their clapping and hero-worship one day, then refusal to wear masks and take basic precautions the next, even if it would spare health workers the trauma of losing yet another patient.”

[Immigrants to the Rescue, by John Feffer, Institute for Policy Studies, May 5, 2021]

So, what’s Feffer’s solution to this dilemma?

You guessed it, increase immigration.

Here’s a suggestion to Feffer and his pro-immigration cohorts: Perhaps the US should invest in the American people and infrastructure instead of fighting in silly conflicts abroad. That way, we don’t need to import hordes of hostile third world migrants after we destabilize their countries and use their labor to fix our infrastructure which our elites have left in a dilapidated state for decades. And while we’re at it, let’s pass an immigration moratorium. The least we could do for our workers is to tighten up the labor market and close the cheap labor spigot.

Also, it would help if these degenerate corporations that dominate our economy actually pay their employees respectable wages for once. All that money spent on woke advertising campaigns could go to American workers instead. Just some humble suggestions.

I’m not getting my hopes up though. We’re dealing with an oligarchy hooked on globalism, so there’s very little prospect of meaningful change.

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