Women Cannot Compete With Men Athletically. Period. So Why Are They In Combat?

Eugene Gant


Commenting on the John McEnroe-Serena Williams non-story, The Weekly Standard’s Jonathan V. Last something I should have in my earlier post:

What’s strange about all of this is that people who actually understand tennis know that McEnroe is absolutely, totally, completely correct. Serena Williams is probably the greatest female player ever. (You could mount an argument for Steffi Graf, but at this point Serena probably gets the nod.) And if she played the men’s circuit, she’d get killed.

[Serena Williams Is Not the Best Tennis Player Ever And that doesn’t mean she’s not awesome, June 28, 2017]

After quoting, as I did, Williams' admitting she couldn’t beat a man, Last goes on:

She’s right, of course. Whatever PC Principal says, men and women have innate, immutable physical differences. For instance, the fastest any woman has ever run the 100m is Flo-Jo’s amazing 10.49 — a time so fast that her record has stood for 29 years (and counting). I live in Virginia, where at the high school state championships a few weeks ago, the boy who won the 100m ran a 10.41. These are just the facts of life.

I doubt Serena could get a game off of anyone in the top 300. Early in her pro-career she challenged Karsten Braasch to a pro-set. At the time, he was ranked #204 in the world. He the match so seriously that he drank beers and smoked cigarettes during the changeovers. He beat her 6-1. Today, Serena might be competitive with the #900 player on the men’s tour. Maybe.

Now, for something Last should have added: This is true of any professional sport.

Remember what happened when Anika Sorenstrom was the Great Female Hope to get on the PGA Tour. Or Michelle Wie. They collapsed. And anyone who admitted the truth about the innate differences of men and women well knew they would collapse.

Women are weaker and slower than men. Generally speaking, the strongest woman is only as strong as the weakest man. They are more prone to stress fractures and other injuries. The average 20-something woman has the lung capacity of a 50-something man.

That is why the military, in trying to force women into combat, must "gender-norm" basic training. Indeed, a lot of women can’t get by the gender-normed tests, so now they just push them through, qualified or no. That’s been happening in fighter pilot training for 20 years. It’s the reason Lt. Kara Hultgreen splashed an F14 and wound up dead in 1994. The Navy wanted a woman fighter pilot. It got one. And she died.

Of course, this truth raises the question that must be asked: if the greatest women tennis player can’t defeat the lowest ranked male professional, and the top women golfers can’t make the weekend cut in a PGA event, if women can’t play professional hockey or football with men, or get into the boxing or MMA ring with men, what the hell are they doing in combat, where the stakes are very, very real, and involve much more than a sprain, broken bone and hurt feelings?

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