World’s Youngest Grandmother

Steve Sailer


Slate summarizes:
Sun: Romanian Woman Became World’s Youngest Grandmother at 23
Spot a 25-year-old with a 2-year-old, and you could be forgiven for thinking that the baby is the woman’s son. But in the case of one young Romanian woman, he’s her grandson. Consider the source, but the Sun says that two years ago, at the age of 23, Rifca Stanescu became the world’s youngest grandmother. Stanescu reportedly eloped at age 11 because she was afraid her family was going to marry her off to an older man (her groom was 13). She wasn’t "forgiven" by her family until she produced a daughter a year later. The daughter, Maria, gave birth at 11. "I am happy to be a grandmother," Stanescu said, "but wished more for Maria."
"Romanian" … Lemme guess … I bet she’s the kind of Romanian where you don’t actually need the last four letters of the word "Romanian."


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