World War A: Another adventuress plays the identity politics card

Steve Sailer


No Pole Left Behind: The demure V Stiviano showing off her skills

Earlier this week I pointed out that an increasing number of the identity politics brouhahas in Silicon Valley don’t seem to involve traditional victims, but instead revolve around attractive young women who hand the press a prefab narrative about the horrors of "alpha-male culture." Large concentrations of money have traditionally attracted that type of woman formerly known as the adventuress. Some Internet searching suggests that the term "adventuress" is no longer used in polite society, although it remains a popular title for pulp novels for women. It’s considered sexist to say that Bonaparte was an adventurer while Lola Montez was an adventuress. So, the word and, increasingly, the concept are forgotten.The shrinking of vocabulary makes us dumber, just as Orwell explained in the Appendix to 1984, so it’s hardly surprising that:

- Adventuresses have figured out how to play the political correctness game for fun and money

- Nobody else notices they are adventuresses

At the moment, the most important news story in the history of forever is some an comment about Magic Johnson apparently made by the octogenarian billionaire slumlord and owner of the L.A. Clippers NBA team, Donald Sterling, to his mistress V Stiviano, which she recorded. (It’s illegal in California to record private conversations without the consent of both parties, but racism!).

From the Los Angeles Times:

Sterling’s wife describes mistress as gold digger in lawsuit

By Bettina Boxall

April 26, 2014, 6:25 p.m.
Donald Sterling’s wife of more than 50 years describes his alleged mistress as a gold digger who seduces older, wealthy men and persuades them to shower her with gifts, according to a lawsuit filed in Los Angeles County Superior Court on March 7.
The Clippers team owner and a woman identified as V. Stiviano allegedly began an affair after meeting at the 2010 Super Bowl game and were still in the relationship as of the filing date, according to the lawsuit filed by Rochelle H. Sterling, who is described in the suit as "a married woman seeking to protect and recover community property in her individual capacity."
Rochelle Sterling alleges that her husband used community property to buy Stiviano a 2012 Ferrari, two Bentleys and a 2013 Range Rover, worth a total of more than $500,0000.
Sterling also allegedly gave Stiviano $1.8 million to buy a duplex on West 4th Street near the Beverly Center last December, according to the suit, which claims that Sterling additionally provided her with $240,000 for upkeep and living expenses.
The property was supposed to be held in the Sterlings’ name, Rochelle Sterling contends, but Stiviano has title and has refused to relinquish it. Arguing that the gifts were all allegedly made without Rochelle Sterling’s knowledge or consent, the complaint seeks their return along with compensatory damages.
The suit, which includes as defendants unnamed agents and employees of Stiviano, alleges that before the complaint was filed, Donald Sterling asked her to return the property. The complaint also says that Stiviano goes by several other names, including Vanessa Maria Perez, Monica Gallegos and Maria Valdez. …
Late Friday, TMZ posted an audio recording it said captures Sterling making racist statements in the course of an argument to a woman identified as V. Stiviano. The Times has not confirmed the authenticity of the tape. …
The Clippers released a statement Saturday in which President Andy Roeser says the team does not know if the man recorded is Sterling, but that the comments do not reflect Sterling’s "views, beliefs or feelings."
Furthermore, Roeser claims the woman on the tape is the defendant in a lawsuit filed by the Sterling family that claims she embezzled more than $1.8 million. Sterling told Roeser that the woman said she would "get even" with Sterling for bringing the lawsuit against her.

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