World War G Reaches Mopping Up Phase: Belize

Steve Sailer



Belize is a country of 331,000 that’s a backwater even by Central American standards. But the Eye of Sauron has now turned its attention upon Belize. From a giant article in the New York Times Magazine:

The Lonely Fight Against Belize’s Antigay Laws

Can one challenge to a statute criminalizing sodomy create a domino effect in the Caribbean?


… Opponents made much of the fact that Unibam receives all of its budget, around $35,000 a year, from foreign governments and foundations, including the Canada Fund for Local Initiatives, the Swiss Embassy in Mexico City and the Open Society Foundations. “Is Unibam being used for a foreign gay agenda?” one news station asked. The Amandala, the nation’s largest newspaper, published a page-­long editorial under the headline “UNIBAM DIVIDES BELIZE.” “Homosexuals are predators of young and teenaged boys,” wrote the editor in chief, Russell Vellos.
Almost nobody ever gets prosecuted under these laws. Belize is not the kind of place where laws get enforced as a matter of routine.

But dusty laws work as a deterrent against business interests investing in the kind of gay sex tourism infrastructure seen in Haiti, Morocco, and many Latin American countries.

A couple of years ago, Moroccan citizens finally started to dare to protest the gay sex tourism industry when the King of Morocco pardoned a European pedophile.

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