Would Liberals Ever Chastise Obama About His "Black-Guy Buddies"?
Over at Slate, The Washington Post’s openly subversive, and anti-white, anti-Christian webzine, nary a day — or minute — goes by without multiple attacks on President Trump.
Today, this is the headline: “Trump’s Due Process — The president understands the words to mean protections for his white guy buddies.” [By Dahlia Lithwick, March 5, 2018] You needn’t read the piece. It’s the usual.
Imagine the liberal media’s hysteria if a conservative webzine published the same thing about Obama: Obama’s Due Process — The president understands the words to mean protections for his black guy buddies.
Funny thing is, given the circles Obama travels in, he may well have more white guy than black guy buddies, making his due process concerns just like Trump’s!