WSJ Inadvertently Reveals: 2020s Harvard Like Moscow University In The Great Terror
On January 2, delayed by EMERGENCY UPDATE FROM LYDIA BRIMELOW: Online Donations Completely Cut Off By Cyberattacks, Please Send Checks!, I posted WALL STREET JOURNAL Neocons Decide Harvard’s President Gay A Goner: Start Damage Control.
This suggested that the WSJ Neocons were anxious to shift the responsibility for President Gay’s demise to her plagiarism sins from the reality:
…the terrible power of the Zionist Lobby in America.
However, notwithstanding the tendentious purpose of the WSJ piece, it did, perhaps inadvertently, reveal how far Harvard has gone from being a haven of learning.
Speaking of the apparently extensive analysis of Gay’s plagiarism long extant on some dissident academic websites, Behind the Campaign to Take Down Harvard’s Claudine Gay, by Douglas Belkin and Arian Campo-Flores, December 29, 2023, reports:
The boards are repositories for the anonymous resentments that accrue, and the mix can be toxic, said Jennifer Hochschild [right], a Harvard professor of government and African-American Studies who has worked with Gay.
“When I was department chair, I sent out notices to my grad students saying, ‘Don’t read these things,’” she said. [Emphasis added.]
Respond to criticism by banning consideration of it?
Is this Harvard in the 2020s or Moscow University at the height of the Great Terror?
I am afraid this raises again the question discussed for us by Paul Gottfried in A Jewish Conservative Wonders: Is Free Speech Really A Jewish Tradition?
Sad to see that this evil intellectual perversion has given Jennifer Hochschild a pampered career on the sunlit slopes of Academia for 50 years.
For example, the late Raymond Wolters recounted in a speech in 2015 that
some academics concluded that it was a moral imperative to go beyond mere desegregation and to achieve racially balanced integration. Thus Jennifer Hochschild, a professor at Princeton, called for “democracy” to give way to “liberalism.” Since most parents would not voluntarily send their children to racially balanced schools, she urged courts to insist that they do so. Quoting John Dewey, Professor Hochschild maintained, “What the best and wisest parent wants for his child, that must the community want for all its children” [The New American Dilemma: Liberal Democracy and School Desegregation, 1984]. If most Americans would not choose to have racially balanced schools, “they must permit elites to make that choice for them.”
Paul Craig Roberts was right to ask here over 20 years ago: Harvard Hates The White Race?
Complain to Jennifer Hochschild .