The Wall Street Journal Op Ed page has fired another shot in its Open Borders propaganda offensive, (which by Republican standards should now be illegal) against Proposition 200 in Arizona. The article starts out by calling illegals merely "undocumented" and goes on to say that " What is noteworthy is that support for the initiative has been plummeting."
Maybe, but that’s likely because of the massive propaganda campaign, by what the editorial refers to as "Labor unions, the Chamber of Commerce and other opponents," which is to say the beneficiaries, rather than the victims of illegal immigration.
"The shaky premise of Proposition 200 proponents is that illegal aliens come here not to work but to vote and collect welfare." [Immigration Anxiety, A misguided ballot initiative in Arizona, October 31, 2004]
Well, working is just as illegal, and a major part of the attraction of the United States for poor illegals is the massive "safety net," paid for mostly by US citizens. (Illegal immigrants are generally part of what the Journal calls the "non-taxpaying class.")
"But the proposition does deputize state and local government employees to become immigration cops, as if they don’t already have enough to do."
Ah, but if they stop giving Arizona taxpayers money to citizens of Mexico, there will be a net savings of time, and more important, money. The reason for the existence of social workers is to decide who does and does not get a welfare check.
If there was an unlimited supply of money, they could just leave it on the ground in a box in front of City Hall, and let people come and pick it up.
The reason for the existence of election officials is to make sure that no-one votes who isn’t allowed to.
The City of Milwaukee has asked for 938,000 presidential ballots, in spite of having only 382,000 registered voters — some of whom are illegal aliens. This is the "box of money in front of the city hall" model, and it’s not surprising that the citizens of Arizona are trying to prevent it by requiring ID for voters.
It’s equally unsurprising that "Labor unions, the Chamber of Commerce and other opponents," (which last presumably means the Hispanic lobby) are spending big money opposing it.
As for the Journal, we gave up on them years ago.