
WTF? Trump Campaign Manager Claims POTUS Doesn’t Need To Run On Immigration

Washington Watcher II


Donald Trump’s campaign manager Brad Parscale thinks the president doesn’t need to focus on immigration to win re-election.

Fox Business’ Lou Dobbs asked Parscale in a recent interview what are the campaign’s core issues. Parscale replied that that they are the economy and healthcare.

Dobbs was puzzled by the absence of immigration and border security.

Parscale replied: "Well I think on immigration he’s already in the winning column. I think that those are people we already have [as] voters. I think these other issues, we have to continue to get these other voters to come across to make this a landslide victory.”

Parscale’s message: we already think that immigration patriots are voting for Trump, so we don’t have to focus on immigration. This is ridiculous. Trump won in 2016 on his promise to build the wall and curb illegal immigration, not bring down black female unemployment. Healthcare is an especially idiotic subject for Trump to campaign on considering the Trumpcare debacle in 2017. [Rough series of polls show Americans broadly disapprove of GOP health-care plan, by Jacob Pramuk, CNBC, June 28, 2017]

There’s no need to alter Trump’s winning message. He just needs to work harder on fulfilling his promises and demonstrate to voters he put America first. He defeated the Republicans who wanted to focus solely on the economy and healthcare.

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