Yanqui Go Home!
Some Mexicans fear threat to way of life with rapid growth of American residentsNot everyone is rolling out the welcome mat to Americans. Many Mexicans complain about the rapid growth of the American population in their neighborhoods, the threat they see to Mexican culture and language, and the possible drain on Mexico’s inexpensive health care.
In San Miguel de Allende, the group Basta Ya is protesting the erosion of the language and the rising cost of living generated by the infusion of dollars into the local economy.
"They think Mexico, especially San Miguel de Allende, is an extension of their country," group member Arturo Morales Tirado said of the Americans who call San Miguel home. "It’s not and won’t be, no way."
Well, they've certainly solved the problem of too many Americans in Rosarito Beach, the once popular tourist resort 30 miles south of Tijuana.
I have to say, though, that I've come to appreciate Mexican anti-Americanism. It has helped keep two countries that share a 1,952 mile border quite different.