Yet Another Merkel Youth Suicide-bombs German Music Festival

Steve Sailer


From the BBC:

Germany blast: Syrian migrant ‘behind Ansbach explosion’

A failed asylum seeker from Syria is believed to have killed himself and injured 12 other people after setting off a bomb outside an open-air music festival in the German city of Ansbach.

Bavaria’s interior minister said the 27-year-old man detonated his device after being refused entry to the festival.

This just proves we must Let Them All In, all billion-plus Muslims.

Otherwise, the Muslims who are already here will kill us. As you can see, they don’t deal well with frustration.

Joachim Herrmann said the man who died had entered Germany two years ago.

It is third attack in the state of Bavaria in a week.

A shooting rampage in Munich on Friday left nine dead while an axe attack on a train a week ago in Wuerzburg injured several people.

And then there’s the new machete-chopping by a Syrian refugee in Baden-Württemberg this weekend.

By the way, from an interview with Hillary Clinton in Time:

Exclusive: Hillary Clinton on Running and Governing as a Woman

Jay Newton-Small @JNSmall Jan. 7, 2016

… Q. Any particular foreign leader whose executive stewardship you admire and might want to emulate as president?

Hillary: Well, I have to say that I highly admire Angela Merkel. I’ve known Angela since the 1990s, she and I actually appeared on a German TV show together. I have spent personal time with her. She is, I think, a really effective strong leader and really right now the major leader in Europe, not just in Germany. I admire her political skills and her principles, her strong work ethic. I just find her to be an incredibly important person in the world today and I look to her to see how she’s managed it.

Read More: TIME’s 2015 Person of the Year is Angela Merkel

Also, in The Atlantic, Jeffrey Goldberg, who was given much access to hang out with President Obama and talk foreign policy, writes:

Merkel is perhaps Obama’s favorite ally. Transactional, clinical — an actual scientist by training — and emotionally self-contained, she also possesses a quality Obama says he admires: political courage. Her position on the absorption of Middle Eastern refugees might cost her her job. Obama, I get the sense, believes he would do what she has done if faced with similar circumstances. …

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